Anju's Pale Blue Eyes: San Francisco, CA

Anju’s Pale Blue Eyes is a San Francisco-based group that coalesced in early 2011 based around the confessional singer/songwriter stylings of Nick Anju.  The Locavaux Crew didn’t get a good look at his eyes, per se, but we have a feeling he’s got some lovely pale blue ones.  But our guess as to the eye color of the band's lead singer is the only uncertainty we have about this group—we are pretty firm in our decision that they are one of the more entertaining, musically talented groups that we’ve seen on the West Coast.  Incorporating a classically trained cello backbone, postpunk and r&b guitar playing, and the rhythmic pulse of the Adirondack banjo, this San Francisco trio is sure to get your foot stomping and your beer glass up in the air.  With such influences as acoustic folk, indie rock, bluegrass, classical harmony, psychadelic, and somewhat of a rockabilly flourish, Anju’s Pale Blue Eyes evoke all at once a Tallest Man on Earth sound with an Iggy Pop vocal flair.  The trio us currently working on their debut EP, so be sure to check out their collection of singles in preparation for what is sure to be a great full length musical feature.  Nick Anju’s (supposed?) pale blue eyes aren’t the only good thing this group has going for them. Learn more about Anju's Pale Blue Eyes here!

Listen to their music here!

Anju's Pale Blue Eyes at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, CA