Giving Thanks

It’s been a few weeks since we last wrote to you all on the Locavaux blog.  We’re sorry for the lack of communication on our part!  We haven’t been online as of late because of our numerous meetings of the mind—the project is growing and taking new directions, and we can’t wait to share some of those new plans with you soon. In the meantime, we thought we’d share what we’re thankful for these past few months, because, as they say, ‘tis the season.  The Locavaux Crew is thankful for many things, really.  In specific?  We’re thankful for break fluid, smooth highways and park rangers that turn a blind eye.  We’re thankful for those warriors of the road who came before us, like Ken Kesey and Neil Cassidy, who proved that life seen through the window of a moving vehicle is worthwhile. We’re also thankful for “free” overnight parking, road beers and the kindness of strangers.  We’re thankful for music venues, from dive bars to bonfires, historic theatres to sidewalks.  We’re thankful for sandwiches from Seattle’s Paseo, too.

But what we’re most thankful for?  The people we surround ourselves with these days.  We’re thankful for the friends and family that have supported the Locavaux Project, and our passion for local music, from the beginning; new friends and fans gathered on the road this past summer; the talented musicians from all across the country we’re honored to feature in our project; the bar owners and venue managers who support those local musicians and the communities they inspire; those individuals we met for just a few fleeting moments who listened to our tales of life on the road and bought us a drink in celebration.  We’re thankful for community, because we feel like we’re part of one big, local music-loving family that spans the entire width of this country.  So take a cue from the Locavaux Crew and surround yourself with good music and close company this holiday season.  Happy Thanksgiving!