There’s a certain magic that lies in the unknown of the Wild West—there’s no guessing what you’ll come across out there in the beautiful and seemingly never-ending landscape of the Rockies, that Big Sky country. You’ll catch a rock ‘n roll blues concert one evening, only to find yourself in a local club getting a taste of the underground electronic scene the next morning. A buffalo will cross the road in front of you, only to be followed by a group of friendly hitchhikers in need of a lift back to camp. You’ll pick up new Locavaux Crew members who have traveled from the East Coast just to experience those incredible mountains with you, or you’ll pick up a rusted chain in a secret, abandoned mine shaft. The Badlands will whirl by you as you perch atop your bus one minute, the next you’ll take to sit still and eat dinner on the roof as the sun sets on U.S. Route 80, trucks honking their passing hellos. Colorado, Wyoming, Utah—we climbed through the Rocky Mountain passes (er, crawled), before descending into California for the next leg of our trip-- the West Coast.
Returning through the northern Rockies, Missoula and Bozeman Montana showed us that with personal risk comes musical reward, and that all block parties should involve PBR and two-stepping local rock groups.
Life On The Bus
A moonscape of dusty rolling hills, Wyoming’s fishbowl sky, and wind turbines dotting the horizon like stars--this was our gateway to the west. We all had to agree with John Muir; "the mountains are calling an I must go."
Red Balloon // Carroll
There were gondola rides, whiskey distilleries, and abandoned mine shaft explorations, midnight four square games in the street and a hunt for the missing pet sugar glider. The soundtrack to our visit? Live, freestyle guitar jams.
Middle Brother // Telluride Meltdown
Oh, to call Montana's Big Sky Country home... if only, if only.
Big Sky Country // Miller Creek