With one month of bus renovation, insurance paperwork, driving practice and Kickstarter funding behind us, The Locavaux Crew officially set off on June 13, 2013. While eager to see and hear as much as possible, we hit a few road bumps in the first few days of East Coast travelin'. What do we film? How much do we film? What questions do we ask? Where do we park? Is there a rest-stop nearby? Slowly, we got our bus sea legs and fell into a blissful travel groove, embracing day-to-day living on the East Coast--days blurred into weeks as we lived in a series of coffee shop visits, dive bar seek outs, craft beer taste testings and farmers market snack sessions. From strangers to family members and friends, ocean to lake, beach to mountain, marimbas to heavy metal, the East Coast's diverse communities provided the perfect start to our piecing together of the country's local music scene puzzle.
Life On The Bus
Lake Champlain, stretched out on all sides and rushing royal blue below. Miles of winding pines and warm breezes. Cruising through the Adirondacks with the door wide open, all thirty six windows down. Whether passenger on a ferry or cruising on twisted back country highways, there is no rival to the view from a school bus.
Rapturous Rays // Rabbit in the Rye